White Axxe Twitch Streamer White Axxe is a Twitch streamer from Valencia. His fascination about viking aesthetics made it very easy for me to find the kind of graphics he needed for his live...
Opening Melons Taboo topics are over Opening melons was an open discussion show on Twitch, very popular during 2020-2021 quarantine, they entertained us while we were locked up at home with the most controversial issues of the moment and of...
GOLDSEEKER Mobile Videogame Gold Seeker is a battle royale style mobile videogame created by the Valencian Sandfish. This adventure game allows you to play against players from all over the world and create games with your friends, although in the end there can only...
Jasuga Crafting DIY Streamer Jasuga is a Spanish DIY and crafts streamer.The logo was created to be used, in addition to its channels and social media, as a print piece, both for textiles and for wood and metal engraving.It is inspired by stencil typography which...
Aumenta tu sabiduría Wisdom in your hand An app created by the wonderful group of developers Monte Aleph in which you can find wise daily phrases and even a wonderful virtual reality that allows you to read the phrases as if you were holding the book in your hands....
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